About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to lead people to a deeper life with God through a variety of programs including on-line retreats, retreats in residence, workshops and spiritual direction. Many of our programs are based on the principles of Ignatian Spirituality.
Staff Bios
Mindy Malik, PhD
Program Administrator
Dr. Mindy Malik is a psychologist whose career focus
has been working with individuals with developmental
disabilities. In addition to her doctoral degree in
psychology, she holds a master's degree in Theology
from the University of Notre Dame. Ministries have
included RCIA instructor, parish prayer ministry,
tutoring refugees and spiritual direction. After completing
a spiritual direction training program, she began the
Prayerful Journeys ministry, dedicated to deepening spiritual
life through prayer, retreats, workshops and spiritual direction.
Fr. John Auther, SJ
Advisory Board and Retreat Director
Fr. John Auther, SJ was pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Parish in San Diego from 2013-2019. Prior to that, he was
the Associate Pastor at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Phoenix.
A native of Phoenix, Arizona, he joined the Jesuits at the
age of twenty and was ordained 13 years later. He has also
served as a high school teacher, campus minister, and
jail chaplain. He has developed a spiritual directors training
program, and a variety of Ignatian spirituality retreats and
workshops. He is currently a Retreat Director at the
Jesuit Retreat Center, El Retiro, in Los Altos, CA.
Adela Chang
Retreat and Spiritual Director
Adela's training in spiritual direction includes the
ESEC program conducted by the Crosiers in Phoenix
and the Spiritual Companionship Course with
emphasis on the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, taught
in Puente Grande, Jalisco, Mexico. She has also
completed the Catechetical program at the Kino Institute
in Phoenix, with emphasis on biblical studies, catechism
and church documents. She is currently the Director
of Poustinia Place House of Prayer in Tonopah, AZ,
where she offers Ignatian retreats. Early in her career,
Adela was an elementary school teacher and Reading Specialist.
What is Ignatian Spirituality?
Ignatian Spirituality has a unique perspective of weaving the love of Christ into our daily busy and absorbing lives. As we delve more deeply into that perspective, a wonderful transformation takes place where our daily work and activities become the place where God’s graces shine forth. It also challenges us to listen to the Holy Spirit as God comes alive in everyday life—a real, living presence.
Ignatian Spirituality is based on the insights and wisdom of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order. He underwent a profound conversion in the early 16th century after being wounded in battle. In the process of his conversion, he underwent a series of experiences that left him wiser in the ways of God and eager to share what he had learned and what had moved him. This wisdom became the basis of the Spiritual Exercises, perhaps the first retreat manual ever written.
Ignatian Spirituality draws from the insights of the Exercises and the other writings of St. Ignatius to present a vision of Jesus active in this world, impelling us in the Spirit to serve, and making us capable of discerning the will of God in confusing times. For a more in depth presentation on Ignatian Spirituality see: